Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Recession Trends And Their Implications

Nielsen made a great presentation at the National Candy Association on March 5th, giving marketers an interesting view of the behavioral impact on consumers. If you can't be bothered to go through the presentation, here are a few cocktail party highlights...

  • At home food and beverage consumption is increasing with non-grocery retailers driving at home food growth (Drug Stores, Dollar Stores, Mass retailers)
  • Retail trips by consumers are down, but basket ring per trip is up.
  • Coupon use is increasing as are private label offerings
  • Discretionary retailers and categories are declining

My inference, consumers are becoming less impulsive and more calculated in how they are spending their cash. In effect they are shopping bargains, items that provide a bang for the buck and items that they perceive to generally improve their lives.

At the end of the article they highlight that investment during a recession often leads to an improved postion during the next growth phase.

Of course the only issue is having the confidence to get from here to there.

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